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Colon Hydro Therapies
The Importance of the Digestive System
     Healthy bowels are the basis of a healthy body as essential immune-processes develop there. Most proteins with defense mechanisms, socalled immunoglobulins are developed in the bowels. The intestinal mucosa is the most important defense-system of our body against poisonous substances. If the digestive system is disturbed the defense mechanisms of the organism get weaker. Wrong nutrition and way of life, pollution, poisonous substances stress and lack of exercise cause a predominance of pathogenic bacteria in the bowels. They prevent oxygen from being transported into the tissue in sufficient amount. As a consequence poisons and waste-products can not be catabolized and excreted quickly enough. In the long run the body is affected by auto-intoxication.
     The consequences are loss of vitality, depressions, lack of concentration, aggressiveness and states of anxiety. Diseases such as infections, inflammations, rheumatism, polyarthritis, psoriasis, acne and other skin diseases, high blood pressure, migrain, allergies and many more complaints may be caused by intestinal disturbances. Furthermore many people suffer from obstipation.
   Yearlong malnutrition has reduced or nearly stopped the intestinal motility. Roughage and hardener substances in the intestinal pouches prevent the intestinal contents from being moved on. In such cases strong laxatives are used which are of little help. They only destroy and damage the intestinal mucosa.
    Internal Puriging
     We use the colon-hydro therapy to purge the intestinal system continuous rinsing with cleaned and filtered water removes poisonons substances, old ronghage, deposists of chemical substances from medicaments and undesired intestinal fungi from the intestinal pouches and walls. This natural purging process removes symptoms which are cansed directly or indirectly by a malfunctioning of the bowels. The intestinal flora (natural and necessary bacteria and fungi) is again balanced out and as a consequence the immune-system is relieved and strengthened.
     The Therapy and its Effects
     During the colon-hydro therapy the patient is positioned on a couch. Water at a defined temperature is introduced to the bowels through a small tube. The water and the residne are removed by a closed system. In this way unpleasant side-effects (odonrs) are prevented. Softly massaging the abdominal well during the rinsing process we can ful problem-zones and remove hardened particles from the intestinal wells. The therapist is present during the 45 minute treatment.The water temperature may be varied. The range is from 30 to 38 degrees Celsins. Cooler water (down to 21 degrees Celsins) canse a kneipp effect in the colon. The dissolving effect of the water and the stimulation by temperature make the bowels work again. The intestinal motility is stimulated and the enteral contets are transported again. Ten minutes before the terapy is finnished we introduced medical oxygen together with water into the colon. This oxygen is nutrition for the health intestinal bacteriae. In general the colon-hydro therapy is well tolerated by the patients. Both, outpatient and inpatrint treatment is possible.
     Prevention keeps Healthy
     The colon-hydro therapy helps the body to start a self-healing process. In this way the health of the intestinal system is strengthened. But apart from the colon-hydro therapy patients should be willing to give up their unhealthy way of life and they should change their nutrition. Only this and more exercise can prevent new roughage in the bowels.
  • acne
  • allergies
  • bronchial asthma
  • chronic obstipation
  • colitis ulcerosa (not in acute phases)
  • various skin diseases
  • psoriasis
  • weak immune system and tendency towards infections
  • liver diseases
  • migraine
  • Morbus Crohn (not in acute phases)
  • polyarthritis
  • rheumatism, arthritis, joint- or backpains
  • sleeplessness or constant urge to sleep
  • metabolic disorders of the pancreas or gall bladder
  • overweight
  • strong pharmaceutical or alcohol consumption
  • preparation for colon operation
  • diabetes
  • depressions
  • intoxications (heavy metals, metabolic toxics etc.)
  • diverticulitis
  • stenoses of the colon
  • acute diarrhea
  • cancer in the intestinal system
  • state after recent bowel surgery
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